LeGal NoTice
The total content of this website is the intellectual property of the company Dimitri Tatouage. Non authorized copy or distribution by any means of all or part of the elements and the information of this website is forbidden.
The company Dimitri Tatouage authorizes the users to load the files which are available using hyperlinks.
The copy and the usage of information (texts, pictures and photos) been published by the company Dimitri Tatouage on its website are only authorized for the personnal use of the copyist but are non authorized for a collective use (article L. 122-5 of the French law "Code de la Propriété Intellectuelle"). Any representation or copy by any means considered as plagerism would be punished in 3 years of prison and €300,000 fine (articles L. 335-2 and following of the French law "Code de la Propriété Intellectuelle").
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SARL Dimitri Tatouage82 rue Léon Desoyer
78100 Saint-Germain-en-Laye
Phone: +33 1 30 87 09 59
SIRET: 429 024 250 00020
Site Publisher
Dimitri HK
15 place de la Nation
75011 Paris
Web design